I've got a VMware ESXi server that I connected to via SSH to run a process. (I was running "vmkfstools --punchzero myVirtualDrive.vmdk"
to reclaim space on a virtual disk). The SSH client connection was disconnected when the process was only 70% complete (with several hours of estimated time remaining).
- Was the process terminated when the SSH client dropped its connection to the ESXi host?
- Is there any way to tell if the process is still running?
I did a quick ps|grep to find it, but didn't see anything that looked like vmkfstools.
On most standard Linux machines, I use "screen" to avoid SSH client disconnection issues, but since the ESXi shell is purposely a very stripped down environment, I just ran the command straight away.
The command was killed when you disconnected.
What you can do to prevent this in the future is to run the command with nohup
. This will run your command in the background, continuing even when your shell "hangs up".
What I usually do when I expect a command to run long:
- I ssh to a Linux machine that runs 24/7
- start screen
- ssh to the ESXi host
- start the command
This way I don't have to worry about disconnects, I can just detach screen and go home after work and reattach screen the next morning to check the status of the command.
Answered By - Gerald Schneider Answer Checked By - Dawn Plyler (WPSolving Volunteer)