Let's say I have the file: index.html
<p class="p">This
entry will determine the number of transmit threads, each channel
represents one thread, which can handle multiple multicast ports.
All channels are enabled by default. To temporarily disable a particular
channel, use the folowing configuration lines:</p>
How can i replace newline to space within
tag only
For example, changing index.html to:
<p class="p">This entry will determine the number of transmit threads, each channel represents one thread, which can handle multiple multicast ports. All channels are enabled by default. To temporarily disable a particular channel, use the folowing configuration lines:</p>`
Tried with,
sed -e "/<p>/s/\n/ /g" index.html
not working
Using gnu-sed
sed -E '/<p class="p">/{:a; N; s/\n/ /g; /<\/p>/!ba;}' index.html
Answered By - anubhava Answer Checked By - Senaida (WPSolving Volunteer)