I have a little problem that is troubling me. Can i connect to a windows trough remote desktop protocol from a linux (Ubuntu)?
In Windows i have Remote Desktop Connection
but in linux i can connect only to other linux.
And i don't know if is possible. Is this possible?
Thank you
There are bare-boned applications like rdesktop
as well as a number of nicer ones that can set up configuration defaults etc. The way it goes with KDE and Gnome, these apps sometimes go stale, get replaced, have inconsistent naming etc but hey, the price is right.
I currently like remmina the best. It is a Gnome/Gtk+ plus application. One nice feature is that it also has NX plugins and more. All works out of the box on my Ubuntu systems.
Answered By - Dirk is no longer here Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (WPSolving Admin)