I would like to compress the space for a json file by printing in compact mode (-c
) but I want to add a new line after each root-level object.
for example, for the below object
"a": {
"a1": 1,
"a2": [
"b": {
"b1": "test"
"c": [
I would like to print it as
i.e., one root-level object per line (adding the start/end brackets)
I got as far as printing each item in one line using
echo '{"a":{"a1":1, "a2":[null]}, "b": {"b1":"test"}, "c": [1,2,3]}' | jq -c -r '. | to_entries | .[] | "\"\(.key)\": \(.value)"'
"a": {"a1":1,"a2":[null]}
"b": {"b1":"test"}
"c": [1,2,3]
but I am not able to form a single valid JSON object.
can someone offer some suggestions? thanks
I managed to achieve the goal using a combination of jq and perl
echo '{"a":{"a1":1, "a2":[null]}, "b": {"b1":"test"}, "c": [1,2,3]}' | jq -c -r '. | to_entries | .[] | @json "\(.key): \(.value)"' | perl -pe 's/$/,/m if !eof' | perl -p0e 's/^/{\n/' | perl -p0e 's/$/\n}/'
You have very limited options how jq does pretty-printing.
Your best bet is to write your own. Here's a very manual approach using to_entries
and @json
jq -r '
"{", ([to_entries[] | @json "\(.key):\(.value)"] | .[:-1][] += ",")[], "}"
Answered By - pmf Answer Checked By - Terry (WPSolving Volunteer)