Monday, January 29, 2024

[SOLVED] How do you run bash script as a command?


I have a bash script, which I use for configuration of different parameters in text files in my wireless access media server.

The script is located in one directory, and because I do all of configurations using putty, I have to either use the full path of the file or move to the directory that contains the file. I would like to avoid this.

Is it possible to save the bash script in or edit the bash script so that I can run it as command, for example as cp or ls commands?


The script needs to be executable, with:

chmod +x scriptname

(or similar).

Also, you want the script to be located in a directory that is in your PATH. To see your PATH use:

echo $PATH

Your choices are: to move (or link) the file into one of those directories, or to add the directory it is in to your PATH.

You can add a directory to your PATH with:


and if you do this in the file $HOME/.bashrc it will happen for each of your shell's automatically.

Answered By - John Hascall
Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)