I may have not understood the use of SSH key in Github completely.
I followed the Github docs [rel="noreferrer">] to create SSH key on my laptop and import the same SSH key on my Github account.
However When I tried to push my local changes to a project I have forked, the git Bash still asks for my github user id and password.
My understanding was; once I have configured SSH, I do not have to provide my gihub user account, passwords when committing changes becuase SSH takes care of it.
When you clone your github repository you can select http and ssh url for github project.
You can clone with HTTPS, SSH or Subversion.
I think you should select ssh to work with ssh authentication. Check your cloned git project's config. There is a remore url that you can change to ssh url.
Answered By - Sigee Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)