I've downloaded and installed libpng from, which is version 1.6.16, following their simple instructions:
- ./configure
- ./make check
- sudo ./make install
It runs with everything successful, and says it's been installed. However, after doing this I still read:
$ libpng-config --cflags --ldflags
-L~/anaconda/lib -lpng15
This is breaking other builds and installs, which sometimes detect 15 while requiring 16. How can I fix this?
Fedora Linux 20 x 64
If you want libpng16 to go in your $HOME/ then, in your libpng directory, run
./configure --prefix=$HOME
./make install
This will install png*.h in $HOME/include/, libpng-config in $HOME/bin/, and the library itself in $HOME/lib/.
If you want to put it in some other directory where you don't have write permission, the final command is
sudo ./make install
Answered By - Glenn Randers-Pehrson Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)