Looking for a command for the following task:
I have three files, each with two columns, as seen below.
I would like to create file4
with four columns.
The output should resemble a merge-sorted version of file1
, file2
and file3
such that the first column is sorted, the second column is the second column of file1
the third column is the second column of file2
and the fourth column is the second column of file3
The entries in column 2 to 3 should not be sorted but should match the key-value in the first column of the original files.
I tried intersection in Linux, but not giving the desired outputs.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
$ cat -- file1
A1 B5
A10 B2
A3 B15
A15 B6
A2 B10
A6 B19
$ cat -- file2
A10 C4
A4 C8
A6 C5
A3 C10
A12 C14
A15 C18
$ cat -- file 3
A3 D1
A22 D9
A20 D3
A10 D5
A6 D10
A21 D11
$ cat -- file 4
col1 col2 col3 col4
A1 B5
A2 B10
A3 B15 C10 D1
A4 C8
A6 B19 C5 D10
A10 B2 C4 D5
A12 C14
A15 B6 C18
A20 D3
A21 D11
A22 D9
Awk + Bash version:
( echo "col1, col2, col3, col4" &&
awk 'ARGIND==1 { a[$1]=$2; allkeys[$1]=1 } ARGIND==2 { b[$1]=$2; allkeys[$1]=1 } ARGIND==3 { c[$1]=$2; allkeys[$1]=1 }
for (k in allkeys) {
print k", "a[k]", "b[k]", "c[k]
}' file1 file2 file3 | sort -V -k1,1 ) | column -t -s ','
Pure Bash version:
declare -A a
while read key value; do a[$key]="${a[$key]:-}${a[$key]:+, }$value"; done < file1
while read key value; do a[$key]="${a[$key]:-, }${a[$key]:+, }$value"; done < file2
while read key value; do a[$key]="${a[$key]:-, , }${a[$key]:+, }$value"; done < file3
(echo "col1, col2, col3, col4" &&
for i in ${!a[@]}; do
echo $i, ${a[$i]}
done | sort -V -k1,1) | column -t -s ','
Explanation for "${a[$key]:-, , }${a[$key]:+, }$value"
please check Shell-Parameter-Expansion
Answered By - SimZhou Answer Checked By - Robin (WPSolving Admin)