I need to use an Apache handler to run a PHP script, rather than running it through CLI. I'm using APC user cache, which stores variables using the Apache process. If I run my PHP script through CLI, then it won't have access to the APC variables.
A possible solution is creating a directory restricted to localhost and putting my scripts in there. Then, I can use a browser to run the PHP scripts. However, I'm not too experienced with Linux and I don't know how to implement this. Here's how I need it to work:
- One of the cron job fires.
- The cron job opens the PHP script using a web browser.
- After the PHP script is finished processing, the web browser closes.
I don't know how to close the browser once the task is finished. Also, multiple PHP scripts will be running simultaneously (called by different cron jobs), I'm not sure how this will work. I'm using the Lynx browser on CentOS.
In Debian/Ubuntu I can run a script using lynx, say
/usr/bin/lynx -source 'url'
For eg:
/usr/bin/lynx -source
Once execution is completed, the browser quits default.
Answered By - fortune Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)