I am creating a shell script(.sh) and trying to read a particular value from the JSON response from a REST call. Below is the sample json response which I get by calling a Rest URL(GET)
Here is the logic I am trying to code in shell script. I am completely new to the shell scripting and finding it difficult to script for my requirement. How do I have to start on this? If anyone of you have a documentation link will also be very helpful?
response = curl 'http://test-url/checkTestEnable'
for(till response.isTestRunning is true)
response = curl 'http://test-url/checkTestEnable'
if(response.isTestRunning is false){
//curl 'another url'
//break the loop.
I would go with jq
for that. jq
is like sed for JSON data.
while [ "$(curl -sS -H 'Accept: application/json' 'http://test-url/checkTestEnable' |
jq '.isTestRunning')" = "true" ]; do
sleep 10
If jq
isn't available you can use the following, somewhat ugly regular expression with sed
while [ "$(curl -sS -H 'Accept: application/json' 'http://test-url/checkTestEnable' |
sed -re 's/.*":(false|true),".*/\1/')" = "true" ]; do
sleep 10
BTW: If you can create shell scripts, then you can install jq
, it's just a single binary.
Answered By - JGK Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)