I have this file:
m64071_220512_054244/12584899/ccs rev pet047-10055 ACGTGCGACCTTGTGA TTGAGGGTTCAAACGTGCGACCTTGTGA
m64071_220512_054244/128321000/ccs rev pet047-10055 ACGTGCGACCTTGTGA TTGAGGGTTCAAACGTGCGACCTTGTGA
m64071_220512_054244/132186699/ccs fwd pet047-10055 TCACAAGGTCGCACGT TCACAAGGTCGCACGTTTGAACCCTCAA
m64071_220512_054244/134874748/ccs fwd pet047-10055 TCACAAGGTCGCACGT TCACAAGGTCGCACGTTTGAACCCTCAA
I need to tr
and reverse
the fields $4 and $5 only if $2==rev
m64071_220512_054244/12584899/ccs rev pet047-10055 TCACAAGGTCGCACGT TCACAAGGTCGCACGTTTGAACCCTCAA
m64071_220512_054244/128321000/ccs rev pet047-10055 TCACAAGGTCGCACGT TCACAAGGTCGCACGTTTGAACCCTCAA
m64071_220512_054244/132186699/ccs fwd pet047-10055 TCACAAGGTCGCACGT TCACAAGGTCGCACGTTTGAACCCTCAA
m64071_220512_054244/134874748/ccs fwd pet047-10055 TCACAAGGTCGCACGT TCACAAGGTCGCACGTTTGAACCCTCAA
I tried:
perl -lpe 'if(/rev/) {$rev=/rev/;next}; if ($rev) {$F[4,5]=~tr/ATGC/TACG/; $F[4,5]=reverse $F[4,5]; print "@F"}' file
I also tried to go with Awk (Execute bash command inside awk and print command output)
awk '{
cmd1="echo \047" $4 "\047 | rev | tr \047ATGC\047 \047TACG\047"
cmd2="echo \047" $5 "\047 | rev | tr \047ATGC\047 \047TACG\047"
newVar1=((cmd1 | getline line) > 0 ? line : "failed")
newVar2=((cmd2 | getline line) > 0 ? line : "failed")
print $1, $2, $3, newVar1, newVar2
else {print}
}' file
To follow the question's attempt:
perl -w -lanE'
if ($F[1] eq "rev") {
for (@F[3,4]) { tr/ATGC/TACG/; $_ = reverse $_ }
say "@F"
' file
Can put this on one line, I spread it out for readability (or copy-paste it as is into most shells). Or, put it in a program file of course, specially if there is more to do.
Edit -- comments on the code in the question
To have it break up the input string into the
array ("autosplit") need-a
flagSince you are explicitly printing what is needed use
flag, not-p
Fields 4 and 5 in the line are array elements 3 and 4
I assume that by
you mean the two array elements (which should be 3,4). That, then, should be@F[3,4]
-- and with-w
flag, for warnings, we'd hear about itMore importantly, we cannot bind a regular expression or a
pattern to a list, but only to a single scalar. In order to apply thattr
to multiple items need to iterate over them, like above†The code in the block of that loop over
elements runs on each element of the array and modifies it in place (since$_
is just an alias to array elements), first withtr
then by (reversing and) assigning. All that can also be written as$_ = reverse tr/ATGC/TACG/r for @F[3,4];
modifier makestr
return the changed string, which is thenreverse
-ed and then assigned back to the currently processed array element, via the$_
alias for it
† With @ary =~ /.../
the LHS is first evaluated so we get something like
$ary[0], ..., $ary[-1] =~ /.../;
All terms up to the last one are discarded (see the comma operator for the logic of it), one by one, and then $ary[-1] =~ /.../
evaluated and its return returned.
Answered By - zdim Answer Checked By - Katrina (WPSolving Volunteer)