Say I have a string as
name = xyz
here after name there is a tab and after '=' there are random number of spaces.
I need an output as
So how can I remove both tabs and random number of spaces from the above mentioned string using sed or awk and tcl regsub function. Help is highly appreciated. Thanks.
I tried
[regsub -all { +} $str ""]
This removes the random number of spaces from $str
but tabs are still present.
Here is also solution using sed
myvar=$(sed -E 's/\s*=\s*/=/g' <<<$myvar)
or, to be more portable you can use [[:space:]]
instead of \s
myvar=$(sed -E 's/[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*/=/g' <<<$myvar)
Here every occurrence of =
surrounded by any number of whitespace symbols will be replaces with just =
, without any whitespaces.
Answered By - markalex Answer Checked By - Robin (WPSolving Admin)