The sed
solutions in Longest common prefix of two strings in bash only work with GNU sed
. I'd like a more portable sed
solution (e.g. for BSD/macOS sed
, Busybox sed
The following solutions are tested with GNU sed, macOS (10.15) sed and busybox (v1.29) sed.
$ printf '%s\n' a ab abc | sed -e '$q;N;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*$/\1/;h;G;D'
$ printf '%s\n' a b c | sed -e '$q;N;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*$/\1/;h;G;D'
To be more efficient when there are many strings especially when there's no common prefix at all (note the ..*
part which is different from the previous solution):
$ printf '%s\n' a ab abc | sed -ne :L -e '$p;N;s/^\(..*\).*\n\1.*/\1/;tL' -e q
$ printf '%s\n' a b c | sed -ne :L -e '$p;N;s/^\(..*\).*\n\1.*/\1/;tL' -e q
Regarding $q
in the first solution
According to GNU sed manual (info sed
command on the last lineMost versions of
exit without printing anything when theN
command is issued on the last line of a file.GNU sed
prints pattern space before exiting unless of course the-n
command switch has been specified.
Note that I did not use sed -E
because macOS' sed -E
does not support \N
back-reference in s/pattern/replace/
command's pattern part.
With GNU sed:
$ echo foofoo | gsed -E 's/(foo)\1/bar/' bar
With macOS sed:
$ echo foofoo | sed -E 's/(foo)\1/bar/' foofoo
UPDATE (2021-04-26):
Found this in another answer :
sed -e '1{h;d;}' -e 'G;s/\(.*\).*\n\1.*/\1/;h;$!d'
Note that it does not work when the input includes only one line. Can be easily fixed by removing the 1d
sed -e '1h;G;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*/\1/;h;$!d'
Answered By - pynexj Answer Checked By - Willingham (WPSolving Volunteer)