I am currently building a big jenkins job, and I need, in the same stage and step to do multiple ssh as showed in the code below. The problem is that everytime jekins finishes the first ssh connection, it ends the stage, and the other parts are not ran.
Does anyone have the solution?
Here is my stage code:
stage('(02) Export file') {
withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: gitCredentials, gitToolName: 'Default')]) {
sh '''
ssh user@env << EOF
mkdir /alim1 || true
mkdir /alim2 || true
mkdir /alim3 || true
<< EOF
scp script1.ksh user@env:/alim1
scp script2.ksh user@env:/alim2
scp script3.ksh user@env:/alim3
ssh user@env << EOF
echo "Starting export"
ksh /alim1/script1 || error1=1
ksh /alim2/script2 || error2=1
ksh /alim3/script3 || error3=1
<< EOF;
EDIT: I changed the here-docs end, it now look like that:
stage('(02) Export file') {
withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: gitCredentials, gitToolName: 'Default')]) {
sh '''
ssh user@env << EOF
mkdir /alim1 || true;
mkdir /alim2 || true;
mkdir /alim3 || true;
scp script1.ksh user@env:/alim1
scp script2.ksh user@env:/alim2
scp script3.ksh user@env:/alim3
ssh user@env << EOF
echo "Starting export"
ksh /alim1/script1 || error1=1;
ksh /alim2/script2 || error2=1;
ksh /alim3/script3 || error3=1;
I get this error:
-ksh[11]: EOF: not found [No such file or directory of this type]
The answer to the problem was quite simple. I lacked knowledge about here-document and I didn't know that EOF needed to be the only caracters on the line, there shouldn't be any indentation. The working/corrected code is this one:
stage('(02) Export file') {
withCredentials([gitUsernamePassword(credentialsId: gitCredentials, gitToolName: 'Default')]) {
sh '''
ssh user@env << EOF
mkdir /alim1 || true;
mkdir /alim2 || true;
mkdir /alim3 || true;
scp script1.ksh user@env:/alim1
scp script2.ksh user@env:/alim2
scp script3.ksh user@env:/alim3
ssh user@env << EOF
echo "Starting export"
ksh /alim1/script1 || error1=1;
ksh /alim2/script2 || error2=1;
ksh /alim3/script3 || error3=1;
Answered By - Speed Remake Answer Checked By - Robin (WPSolving Admin)