I have this json:
{"temperature":"21", "humidity":"12.3", "message":"Today ID 342 is running"}
I want to use jq to obtain this json:
{"temp":"21", "hum":"12.3", "id":"342"}
As you can see, what i want to do is extract the ID number 342 and put it in the new json with a different key name. I think i should use a regex but i don't know how to insert it in jq syntax.
I can create another json using the basic command:
cat old.json | jq '{temp:.temperature,hum:.humidity, id:.message}' > new.json
I know i can select substring using square brackets, but i don't want to use them because they don't take into account strings with different lengths and structure. I want to use a regex because i know that the ID number comes lways after the "ID" part.
You're right that a regex is the way to go here. Fortunately, the jq
manual has a large section on using them.
jq '
temp: .temperature,
hum: .humidity,
id: (.message | capture("ID (?<id>[[:digit:]]+)").id)
}' <old.json >new.json
You can see this running with your sample data at
Answered By - Charles Duffy Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)