I have a Bash script where I want to keep quotes in the arguments passed.
./ this is "some test"
Then I want to use those arguments, and reuse them, including quotes and quotes around the whole argument list.
I tried using \"$@\"
, but that removes the quotes inside the list.
How do I accomplish this?
Just use single quotes around the string with the double quotes:
./ this is '"some test"'
So the double quotes of inside the single quotes were also interpreted as string.
But I would recommend to put the whole string between single quotes:
./ 'this is "some test" '
In order to understand what the shell is doing or rather interpreting arguments in scripts, you can write a little script like this:
echo $@
echo "$@"
Then you'll see and test, what's going on when calling a script with different strings
Answered By - Randy Sugianto 'Yuku' Answer Checked By - Terry (WPSolving Volunteer)