I have tried to connect to my mongodb on a server i own via an ssh tunnel via the following apps but nothing will connect:
- compass
- robomongo
- nosqlbooster4mongo
- phpstorm inbuilt mongodb java connector
Server and mongo:
- Server: ubuntu 18lts
- Mongo: latest community version
The Connection URL in all instances is the same (also tried removing the query params) and this url works on the node app:
nosqlbooster4mongo's error message is:
But the connection url is 27017 and gets changed to 37903 for some reason
PHPStorm's error message is:
DBMS: Mongo DB Case sensitivity: plain=mixed, delimited=mixed Driver: MongoDB JDBC Driver (ver. 1.13, JDBC4.2) Effective version: UNKNOWN (ver. 0.0) Ping: 10 sec, 289 ms (keep-alive query results in error)
Timed out after 10000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=localhost:42865, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException: Exception receiving message}, caused by { Connection reset}}].
Nothing works but i cannot understand why.
The SSH connection is working as confirmed by nosqlbooster4mongo and phpstorm
But as soon as it then tries to connect to the local mongodb instance it fails. I don't know if this is an issue with the SSH tunnel or the mongo setup. Via a terminal i can connect to mongo no issue, also the node app there can too.
The tunnels are using the same key as i use to connect to the server via terminal without issue which leads me to believe it is mongo but i don't know where to look :/
As the tunnel is established, then this says the server firewalls are not an issue.
I don't know what it is, is there an additional query param for ssh tunnel access?
Solved by @Jack_Woehr on:
The trick was to not use the ssh tunnel from any of the tools listed and just create a the tunnel on the OS.
Answered By - user1037355 Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)