I would like to be able to append my slurm batch scripts to my error file. I submit these on the HPC using sbatch -J "my_run_name" runscript.slurm
. The content of runscript.slurm
is summarized below.
#SBATCH --job-name=%x
#SBATCH --output=%x.o-%j
#SBATCH --error=%x.e-%j
## Other directives...
# set parameters, then call main function
$main --opt1 $opt1 --opt2 $opt2
# Last line of script
scontrol write batch_script $SLURM_JOB_ID $error_file
Unfortunately this overwrites all the other content I've accumulated in my error_file
throughout my long running calculations (lots of log statements on progress) with runscript.slurm
I'm wondering if it is possible to append runscript.slurm
to error_file
rather than overwrite all existing content in error_file
On a related point - is it possible to dump the contents of runscript.slurm
into a bash variable which I can then pass to my main
function (that way I can save runscript.slurm
as an additional field in the calculation result). Hopefully that question makes sense.
Try with
scontrol write batch_script $SLURM_JOB_ID - >> $error_file
Instead of giving SLURM the file where to store the script, you can take its output and redirect it to the file of interest in append mode.
Answered By - Poshi Answer Checked By - Terry (WPSolving Volunteer)