I am trying to create a Github Pull Request using curl (in a bash script) and authenticating using token.
I am getting response for curl -u my-user:token
I am getting response for curl
But when I try to create a pull request using the following curl command, I am getting errors:
curl -d '{"title":"testPR","base":"master", "head":"user-repo:master"}'
"message": "Not Found",
"documentation_url": ""
How to fix? What I am doing wrong?
I am not interested in creating pull request using hub
its working fine with hub. I want to know how to use curl and do that. Thank you in advance!
If you're still struggling with this, make sure the token you're using has the "public_repos" permission.
Answered By - thislooksfun Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)