I have made a docker container meant with some code for deployment. However, I realised that the structure of the project I'm working with, it's more suitable to deploy a full ISO image, instead of running docker on top of a cloud VM running stock debian, leading to unnecessary layers of virtualization.
I know that dockers are meant to be deployed on kubernetes, but before diving into that route, is there a simple way to convert a deb9 docker image into a full deb9 OS image? Like an opposite of docker import
You can convert your docker container to an full os image. An Dockerfile debian example would be
FROM debian:stretch
RUN apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
linux-image-amd64 \
In principal you have to install a kernel and an init system.
Full instructions can be found github
Answered By - Florian Berndl Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)