I've a .po file I need to copy msgid value into msgstr value if msgstr is empty.
For example
msgid "Hello"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dog"
msgstr "Cane"
Should become
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hello"
msgid "Dog"
msgstr "Cane"
Currently, for testing purpose, I'm working with another file, but final script will works inline.
rm it2.po
sed $'s/^msgid.*/&\\\n---&/' it.po > it2.po
sed -i '/^msgstr/d' it2.po
sed -i 's/^---msgid/msgstr/' it2.po
This script has 2 problems (at least):
- copies msgid into msgstr also when msgstr is not empty;
- I'm pretty sure that exist a single line or a more elegant solution.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You may consider better tool gnu awk
instead of sed
awk -i inplace -v FPAT='"[^"]*"|\\S+' '$id != "" && $1 == "msgstr" && (NF==1 || $2 == "\"\"") {$2=id} $1 == "msgid" {id=$2} 1' file
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hello"
msgid "Dog"
msgstr "Cane"
-v FPAT='"[^"]*"|\\S+'
makes a quoted string or any non-whitespace field an individual field.
A more readable form:
awk -i inplace -v FPAT='"[^"]*"|\\S+' '
$id != "" && $1 == "msgstr" && (NF==1 || $2 == "\"\"") {$2=id}
$1 == "msgid" {id=$2}
1' file
Answered By - anubhava Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (WPSolving Admin)