Any help is appreciated:
I am running a simple java currency converter application and trying to test it using conditional bash statements. For this test I am seeking to test when the user doesn't enter any value into the application what the resulting output is. Here is the bash script:
expectedOuput="Please enter correct input"
actualOutput=$(java CurrencyConverter $input)
if [ $expectedOutput == $actualOutput ]; then
echo "Test 1 Passed"
echo "Test 1 Failed"
I am aiming for the test to fail and echo this, however the script just returns the java error instead of echoing, like this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
at CurrencyConverter.main(
I am newer to bash scripting so have been changing the syntax, I just cant seem to stop the java error being printed
The exception message is printed to stderr, so if you want to get it in actualOutput
(perhaps misleading name now):
actualOutput=$(java CurrencyConverter "$input" 2>&1)
you can also check the exit status of the java
Also check misspelled expectedOuput
and use of quotes.
And the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
it's definitely something you should fix in your java code.
Answered By - Diego Torres Milano Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (WPSolving Admin)