I have an annotation table from eggnog mapper and need to make this KO table:
Gene evalue KO
Gene1 0.00003 KO0000
Gene2 0.00005 KO0001
Gene2 0.00005 KO0003
Gene3 0.000005 KO0002
This is the table I have (test.txt):
Gene evalue KO
Gene1 0.00003 KO0000
Gene2 0.00005 KO0001,KO0003
Gene3 0.000005 KO0002
I have ~17,000 rows and the output is in xlsx format. The first issue I am having is that when I save the output file as a txt and view in linux (head test.txt
) some of the columns look like this:
Gene1 0.00003 KO0000
Gene2 0.0005 "KO0001,KO0003"
Gene3 0.00005 KO0002
How can I remove the quotes around these values? And how can I make the annotation table above?
I have tried this script from this thread (How can I split comma separated values into multiple rows?)
awk '
BEGIN { OFS="\t" }
{ $1=$1;t=$0; }
{ while(index($0,",")) {
gsub(/,[[:alnum:],]*/,""); print;
$0=t; gsub(OFS "[[:alnum:]]*,",OFS); t=$0;
print t
}' file
But it seems to get stuck in an infinite loop because of the quotes around the values in the third column.
I could not reproduce your 'infinite loop' issue using your awk
code. (In fact, there was no output generated at all from the code). Here is an alternative awk
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} \
NR==1{gsub(",",OFS,$0); print} \
(NR>1 && $0 ~ /,/) {gsub("\"","",$3); split($3,a,","); $3=""; for (i in a) {print $0 a[i]}} \
(NR>1 && $3!=""){print $0}' input.txt
Gene evalue KO
Gene1 0.00003 KO0000
Gene2 0.0005 KO0003
Gene2 0.0005 KO0001
Gene3 0.00005 KO0002
To match your expected output formatting more exactly, pipe the awk
output to column -t
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} \
NR==1{gsub(",",OFS,$0); print} \
(NR>1 && $0 ~ /,/) {gsub("\"","",$3); split($3,a,","); $3=""; for (i in a) {print $0 a[i]}} \
(NR>1 && $3!=""){print $0}' tt.txt | column -t
Gene evalue KO
Gene1 0.00003 KO0000
Gene2 0.0005 KO0003
Gene2 0.0005 KO0001
Gene3 0.00005 KO0002
Set output field separator to tab character
Change commas in first record to output field separator (tab character) and print the first record
NR==1{gsub(",",OFS,$0); print}
For each row after the first row that has commas in the row: 1) remove all double quotes, 2) split the third column into an array on comma characters, 3) set the 3 column to empty string, 4) print output for each of the items in the array.
(NR>1 && $0 ~ /,/) {gsub("\"","",$3); split($3,a,","); $3=""; for (i in a) {print $0 a[i]}}
Print all rows after first row where 3rd column is not empty.
(NR>1 && $3!=""){print $0}'
Answered By - j_b Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (WPSolving Volunteer)