Lets say I have 3 branches in my repository: main
, develop
and feature
. Now, suppose I have switched my working branch in the following order: from main
, to develop
, to feature
, back to develop
, and to feature
From this position I would like to go back to my main
branch without having to write main
so that in theory I can forget the name of my branch. The switch command can come a long way with the @{-N}
notation to refer to the N-th last branch/commit, like so:
git switch -
will take me to branchdevelop
(same asgit switch @{-1}
)git switch @{-1}
will take me to branchdevelop
git switch @{-2}
will take me to branchfeature
git switch @{-3}
will take me to branchdevelop
git switch @{-4}
will take me to branchmain
As you can see, this lists all your previous working branches. However, since I will be switching between develop
and feature
multiple times before wanting to go back to main
, I would have to remember the precise amount of times I have switched between develop
and feature
since I left main
. I would like to be able to refer to a previous unique branch, such that something like git switch @{-2} --unique
would take me to main
, but that option does not exist for the git switch
command at least.
I have found a handy trick to list your most recently-used branches using Git, and that will list your branches uniquely. Maybe it is possible to take that idea to create a way to switch to the Nth previous unique branch?
The simplest is still to use git switch main
. But if you really want to …
Should be simple enough (although will start to fail if output of git reflog
changes – it's not intended to be parsed)
Get unique branch names from reflog:
git reflog | awk '/checkout: moving from/ && !seen[$NF]++ {print $NF}'
Select n'th entry
git reflog | … | sed -n "${n}p"
Make it an alias (sn
– "switch n")
git config --global '!f() {
branch="$(git reflog | awk '\''/checkout: moving from/ && !seen[$NF]++ {print $NF}'\'' | sed -n "${1:-1}p")";
git switch "$branch";
}; f'
(n defaults to 1 – the most recent branch)
Use it
git sn 5
Answered By - knittl Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)