I had no java (i.e. java -version said java no found or similar)
I installed it like this:
sudo apt-get install default-jre
This results in installing java 1.6 - I need java 1.7
So the next probelem is how to uninstall it.
I tried this:
sudo apt-get --purge -remove default-jre
Which seemed to work, but when I do:
java -version
I still java respond with 1.6 - i.e. id didnt uninstall java.
Ok, so I guess -remove does not remove the thing it installed. Is there a way to o this?
sudo apt-get remove default-jre
removes the package "default-jre". all tho you should ask in askUbuntu
Answered By - Bary12 Answer Checked By - David Goodson (WPSolving Volunteer)