How can I load my output generated from my bash script into a gcs location
My bash command is like:
echo " hello world"
I want this output(hello world) to be shown in a location in gcs.
How to write a location command in Bash?
First, you should follow the install Cloud SDK instructions in order to use the cp command form gsutil tool on the machine you're running the script.
- Cloud SDK requires Python; supported versions are Python 3 (preferred, 3.5 to 3.8) and Python 2 (2.7.9 or higher)
- Run one of the following:
Linux 64-bit archive file from your command-line, run:
curl -O
For the 32-bit archive file, run:
curl -O
Depending on your setup, you can choose other installation methods
- Extract the contents of the file to any location on your file system (preferably your Home directory). If you would like to replace an existing installation, remove the existing
directory and extract the archive to the same location.- Run gcloud init to initialize the SDK:
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
After you have installed the Cloud SDK, you should create a bucket to uploadthe files that will contain the output generated by your script.
Use the
gsutil mb
command and a unique name to create a bucket:
gsutil mb -b on -l us-east1 gs://my-awesome-bucket/
This uses a bucket named "my-awesome-bucket". You must choose your own, globally-unique, bucket name.
Then you can redirect your output to a local file and upload to Google Cloud Storage like this:
TIMESTAMP=$(date +'%s')
echo "Hello world!" > "logfile.$TIMESTAMP.log"
gsutil cp logfile.$TIMESTAMP.log gs://$BUCKET/logfile.$TIMESTAMP.log
Answered By - Rogelio Monter Answer Checked By - Katrina (WPSolving Volunteer)