Thursday, October 27, 2022

[SOLVED] Split a single sql file into multiple files


I have a file master.sql containing many create table ddl's.


CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id numeric(38) GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
    email_address varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    full_name varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ;

CREATE TABLE inventory (
    inventory_id numeric(38) GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
    store_id numeric(38) NOT NULL,
    product_id numeric(38) NOT NULL,
    product_inventory numeric(38) NOT NULL
) ;

I want to split this file into separate files-one each for a table. For that i'm using rubin's solution here.

Here is the awk command i used.

awk '/CREATE TABLE/{f=0 ;n++; print >(file=n); close(n-1)} f{ print > file}; /CREATE TABLE/{f=1}'  master.sql

While Executing awk command generate files with table count without any extension. tried to contact using this article

When creating each sql file i want to change file name name for table name.


  • customers.sql

  • inventory.sql

I'm trying use awk command for get table name form master.sql. Is that possible to getting table name while iteration master.sql.

Is there a way around this ?


Here is a simple 2 step process:

# Split the files when the string CREATE TABLE is found
csplit master.sql '/CREATE TABLE/'

# Read the first line, extract table name and rename the file
for f in $(ls xx*); 
    table_name=`head -1 $f | awk '{ sub(/.*CREATE TABLE /, ""); sub(/ .*/, ""); print }'`
    mv $f "$table_name.sql"
    echo "Renaming $f to $table_name.sql"; 


Renaming xx00 to customers.sql
Renaming xx01 to inventory.sql


$ ls
customers.sql inventory.sql master.sql

$ cat customers.sql
  CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id numeric(38) GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
    email_address varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    full_name varchar(255) NOT NULL
) ;

$ cat inventory.sql
CREATE TABLE inventory (
    inventory_id numeric(38) GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,
    store_id numeric(38) NOT NULL,
    product_id numeric(38) NOT NULL,
    product_inventory numeric(38) NOT NULL
) ;

Answered By - Gab
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (WPSolving Admin)