Here is my code which always returns 'false' only:-
export STR="MYC-14:: This is sample string only."
echo $STR
test -z "$(echo "$STR" | sed '/^MYC-/p' )" && echo "true" || echo "false"
I'm trying to match the starting characters "MYC-" from the variable called "STR" but seems like the regular expression within sed
condition is wrong due to which test command is returning false.
Finally, I'm able to make it work:-
export STR="MYC-14:: This is sample string only."
echo $STR
test -z "$(echo "$STR" | sed '/^MYC-/d' )" && echo "truee" || echo "falsee"
Answered By - vinod827 Answer Checked By - Katrina (WPSolving Volunteer)