So the issue is rather something I caused myself by accident. I was trying to sync two of my computers, a Mac and a Linux. I wanted to sync the Mac to the Linux so I connected my GitHub account to my Mac vs-code when a pop-up displayed that gave two options like "Replace" and "Merge". I wanted to merge the sync but I accidentally hit Replace when all the Settings on my Mac vs-code was replaced.
What errors do you see?
And one thing I noticed is that every time I open the terminal it takes me to a path that was defined in my Linux instead of starting at default or $PATH.
What's the environment and are there recent changes?
Local, I haven't noticed changes except for the starting path in my VS-code terminal.
What have you tried to troubleshoot this?
I did try and I stumbled upon the fact that I can change the terminal's default path in the settings or even in settings.json but I didn't want to cause more problems by overriding any default settings. I also noticed that my Mac vs-code basically just took every setting in my Linux vs-code. Also, only the terminal in my vs-code was impacted the default terminal on my Mac displayed ~ on login.
And because this was annoying me I basically went on and just added cd ~ to my ~/.zsh_profile so that it just brings me back to ~ but I believe that the Linux settings still have an influence over my Mac vs-code settings and I just want to reverse this. Is there any way I can get back my old configuration? If so how can I do this? Can Github possibly have my old configurations? or is there a reset that I can do that will take me to the very first settings?
Yes, you can restore all of your tweaks. You just need to follow these steps:
Go to File > Preferences > Setting Sync is on (its the last option in the menu).
Then click on Settings sync: Show Synced Data. You'll notice Side Bar open with 2 sections: SYNC ACTIVITY and SYNCED MACHINES. Right click on SYNC ACTIVITY then tick the SYNC ACTIVITY(LOCAL).
Now you can finally revert the changes that you made before Accidental Sync by clicking on the restore icons of each of them.
BTW sorry for my broken English, I'm not a native.
Answered By - RVFET Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (WPSolving Volunteer)