I'm trying to print messages after building process done using CMake.
I just want to inform the user after make
command is done without any error.
How can I do it? I tried add_custom_target()
but I cannot choose when to run.
Also, I tried add_custom_command()
, again it doesn't give me the right result.
Any idea?
Thank you for your idea in advance.
You could, indeed, do the following:
add_custom_target( FinalMessage ALL
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E cmake_echo_color --cyan "Compilation is over!"
COMMENT "Final Message" )
add_dependencies( FinalMessage ${ALL_TARGETS} )
That custom target depending on the list of all the targets you previously defined, you make sure it will be run last.
Answered By - xStan Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (WPSolving Admin)