Friday, October 28, 2022

[SOLVED] How to cURL an Authenticated Django App?


I've a few APIs I'd like to test with cURL. I tried doing a GET as follows:

curl --user username:password --request GET http://my_domain/get_result/52d6428f3ea9a008358ad2d8/

On the server, it showed a '302' (which means redirection, right?). I'm guessing it redirected to the 'login/' page.

What is the proper way of getting this done?

Edit: I tried:

curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -L -d @login_form.txt http://my_domain/login/

where login_form.txt contains "username=username&password=password&this_is_the_login_form=1". Doesn't work. No cookies.txt files generated. And no login happening. Can you tell me how you achieve login to Django using cURL?


Here is a fully coded answer. The idea of the solution is:

  1. you have to first visit the login page with GET to get the cookies file generated,
  2. then parse the CSRF token out of the cookies file
  3. and do the login using a POST request, passing the data with -d.

Afterwards you can perform any request always using that CSRF token in the data ($DJANGO_TOKEN) or with a custom X-CSRFToken header. To log out simply delete the cookies file.

Note that you need a referer (-e) to make Django's CSRF checks happy.


echo -n "Django Auth: get csrftoken ..."
$CURL_BIN $LOGIN_URL > /dev/null
DJANGO_TOKEN="csrfmiddlewaretoken=$(grep csrftoken $COOKIES | sed 's/^.*csrftoken\s*//')"

echo -n " perform login ..."
    -d "$DJANGO_TOKEN&username=$YOUR_USER&password=$YOUR_PASS" \

echo -n " do something while logged in ..."
    -d "$DJANGO_TOKEN&..." \
    -X POST

echo " logout"

I have a slightly more secure version of this code, which uses a file for submitting the POST data, as a Gist on GitHub: django-csrftoken-login-demo.bash

Interesting background reading on Django's CSRF token is on

Answered By - Peterino
Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)