I've a few APIs I'd like to test with cURL. I tried doing a GET as follows:
curl --user username:password --request GET http://my_domain/get_result/52d6428f3ea9a008358ad2d8/
On the server, it showed a '302' (which means redirection, right?). I'm guessing it redirected to the 'login/' page.
What is the proper way of getting this done?
Edit: I tried:
curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -L -d @login_form.txt http://my_domain/login/
where login_form.txt contains "username=username&password=password&this_is_the_login_form=1". Doesn't work. No cookies.txt files generated. And no login happening. Can you tell me how you achieve login to Django using cURL?
Here is a fully coded answer. The idea of the solution is:
- you have to first visit the login page with GET to get the cookies file generated,
- then parse the CSRF token out of the cookies file
- and do the login using a POST request, passing the data with
Afterwards you can perform any request always using that CSRF token in the data ($DJANGO_TOKEN
) or with a custom X-CSRFToken
header. To log out simply delete the cookies file.
Note that you need a referer (-e
) to make Django's CSRF checks happy.
echo -n "Django Auth: get csrftoken ..."
$CURL_BIN $LOGIN_URL > /dev/null
DJANGO_TOKEN="csrfmiddlewaretoken=$(grep csrftoken $COOKIES | sed 's/^.*csrftoken\s*//')"
echo -n " perform login ..."
-d "$DJANGO_TOKEN&username=$YOUR_USER&password=$YOUR_PASS" \
echo -n " do something while logged in ..."
-d "$DJANGO_TOKEN&..." \
echo " logout"
I have a slightly more secure version of this code, which uses a file for submitting the POST data, as a Gist on GitHub: django-csrftoken-login-demo.bash
Interesting background reading on Django's CSRF token is on
Answered By - Peterino Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)