I'm trying to extract some fragments of JSON document using regular expressions in bash. My goal is to catch every instance of this phrase and save them in new file. I thought that sed is good tool for such tasks.
I've tried sth like this:
sed '"temp":[0-9]+\.[0-9]*' weather.txt >> newFile.txt
Example of weather.txt:
{"temp":281.61,"temp_min":280.005,"temp_max":281.61,"pressure":1033.941,"sea_level":1033.941,"grnd_level":1024.038,"humidity":57,"temp_kf":1.6},"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01n"}],"clouds":{"all":0},"wind":{"speed":2.19,"deg":6.817},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-04-19 18:00:00"},{"dt":1555707600,"main":{"temp":279.9,"temp_min":278.7,"temp_max":279.9,"pressure":1034.219,"sea_level":1034.219,"grnd_level":1024.211,"humidity":64,"temp_kf":1.2}
Expected result for input like this above is: :
Despite trying defferent variations it isn't still correct. Do you have any idea how I can solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
No, sed is for searching and replacing regular expressions in a file/files.
I would normally use jq for parsing JSON but your sample is an invalid JSON value and I assume so is your actual input, so, use grep instead:
$ grep -o '"temp":[0-9.]*' weather.txt > newfile.txt
$ cat newfile.txt
Answered By - oguz ismail Answer Checked By - Terry (WPSolving Volunteer)