in the following file, i need to get all lines that do not have in them the following pattern:
i do not want the line "memo": {
or "notice": "delivered on 17"
, i just want the lines that have \"\d\d\d\":[
, but instead they have \"\d\d\":[
, or \"\s\d\d\":[
etc. How could this be done with sed or awk, or even better with jq?
i just need the lines that do not have in them the \"\d\d\d\":[
pattern, for example \"42 \":[
should be reported. Each message line, must have \"\d\d\d\":[
and not any other variation. For example \"42a\":[
is also wrong, and should be reported
"memo": {
"notice": "delivered on 17"
"message": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"401\":[[\" 0\",[\"a\",\"UK\"],[\"b\",\"Euy/ O\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"],[\"g\",\"R2\"]],[\" 1\",[\"a\",\"UK\"],[\"b\",\"LO\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"]]]}"
"memo": {
"notice": "delivered on 190"
"message": "{\"id\":\"2\",\"424\":[[\" 0\",[\"v\",\"UK\"],[\"9\",\"Euy/ O\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"],[\"g\",\"R2\"]],[\" 1\",[\"a\",\"UK\"],[\"b\",\"LO\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"]]]}"
"memo": {
"notice": "delivered on 734"
"message": "{\"id\":\"3\",\"432\":[[\" 0\",[\"a\",\"UK\"],[\"9\",\"Euy/ O\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"],[\"v\",\"R2\"]],[\" 1\",[\"a\",\"UK\"],[\"b\",\"LO\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"]]]}"
"memo": {
"notice": "delivered on 1092"
"message": "{\"id\":\"888\",\"5 2\":[[\" 0\",[\"v\",\"UK\"],[\"b\",\"Euy/ O\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"],[\"g\",\"R2\"]],[\" 1\",[\"a\",\"UK\"],[\"b\",\"LO\"],[\"c\",\"20160811\"]]]}"
as an output, I need the id value of the lines that have these problems.
expected output of the above: id: 888
since in this line there is the erroneous \"5 2\":[
Decode all message
s, select those which do not contain any key matching \d{3}
, and extract their id
jq '.message | fromjson | select(any(keys_unsorted[]; test("[0-9]{3}")) | not) .id' file
Answered By - oguz ismail Answer Checked By - Willingham (WPSolving Volunteer)