I want to set up AWS Batch running few python scripts to do some batch operations on file fetched from S3 and post processing they need to be saved to a volume.
For this I want to configure compute environments in AWS batch.
I wish to use spot instances but i need my EBS volume to be there even after instance is terminated and if new instance is spin up it has to mount same volume as used before.
Create a instance-template, provide a bootstrap script, for the mentioned case something like:
sudo mkdir -p /<any directory name where volume will be mounted eg: dir>
aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id <volume_id> --instance-id $(wget -q -O - --device /dev/sdf
sudo mount /dev/sdf /<above mentioned dir rg :dir>
in AWS batch definition, use the above template to launch your ec2 machine.
Answered By - ANUBHAV GUPTA Answer Checked By - Willingham (WPSolving Volunteer)