What is the meaning of *nix, and what is its relation with Ruby?
Just saw that in an interview question... I think there is something to do with UNIX distros, but I am not sure.
Could not find it here or in the Wikipedia, so I am asking.
What is the meaning ?
And what is its relation with Ruby ? because the question was about Ruby.
*nix just means operating systems that are like the old workhorse Unix. Some examples include Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X (its kernel, Darwin, is based on BSD).
The main relation between *nix and Ruby is just a pragmatic one; most Ruby developers seem to prefer to work on Unix-like OSes (typically Linux or Mac OS X). There's no official relationship, and it's quite possible to work with Ruby on non-*nix OSes like Windows.
Answered By - DSimon Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (WPSolving Volunteer)