This is the code I have and it works fine:
section .bss
bufflen equ 1024
buff: resb bufflen
whatread: resb 4
section .data
section .text
global main
mov eax,3 ; Specify sys_read
mov ebx,0 ; Specify standard input
mov ecx,buff ; Where to read to...
mov edx,bufflen ; How long to read
int 80h ; Tell linux to do its magic
; Eax currently has the return value from linux system call..
add eax, 30h ; Convert number to ASCII digit
mov [whatread],eax ; Store how many bytes has been read to memory at loc **whatread**
mov eax,4 ; Specify sys_write
mov ebx,1 ; Specify standart output
mov ecx,whatread ; Get the address of whatread to ecx
mov edx,4 ; number of bytes to be written
int 80h ; Tell linux to do its work
mov eax, 1;
mov ebx, 0;
int 80h
Here is a simple run and output:
koray@koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ nasm -f elf -g -F dwarf buff.asm
koray@koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ gcc -o buff buff.o
koray@koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ ./buff
2koray@koray-VirtualBox:~/asm/buffasm$ ./buff
My question is: What is with these 2 instructions:
mov [whatread],eax ; Store how many byte reads info to memory at loc whatread
mov ecx,whatread ; Get the address of whatread in ecx
Why the first one works with [] but the other one without?
When I try replacing the second line above with:
mov ecx,[whatread] ; Get the address of whatread in ecx
the executable will not run properly, it will not shown anything in the console.
Using brackets and not using brackets are basically two different things:
A bracket means that the value in the memory at the given address is meant.
An expression without a bracket means that the address (or value) itself is meant.
mov ecx, 1234
Means: Write the value 1234 to the register ecx
mov ecx, [1234]
Means: Write the value that is stored in memory at address 1234 to the register ecx
mov [1234], ecx
Means: Write the value stored in ecx to the memory at address 1234
mov 1234, ecx
... makes no sense (in this syntax) because 1234 is a constant number which cannot be changed.
Linux "write" syscall (INT 80h, EAX=4) requires the address of the value to be written, not the value itself!
This is why you do not use brackets at this position!
Answered By - Martin Rosenau Answer Checked By - Senaida (WPSolving Volunteer)