Trying to install nvm following the command from the website (curl -o- | bash) and I get this error
=> Downloading nvm as script to '/home/ahmed/.nvm'
Failed to download ''
Failed to download ''
Failed to download ''
=> nvm source string already in /home/ahmed/.bashrc
=> bash_completion source string already in /home/ahmed/.bashrc
main: line 433: /home/ahmed/.nvm/ No such file or directory
=> Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
Ended up reinstalling the OS which fixed the problem
Answered By - meds Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)