I am creating a job that would first initiate an API checking what is the next available ip in a subnet with some parameters.
Then i want to run "ping" check on the output (that is an IP), then also telnet to ports 22 80 3389 on the same output,
how can i insert all the CURL output in to a variable so i can continue the script running ping and telnet checks before giving an indication that the ip is really "Available" - i have tried many failed syntaxes in the last 2 days :) thank you.
curl --stderr -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "query=ip" -d "string=$1" -u 'username:password' https://device42.xxxxxxxxx/api/1.0/search/ --insecure | awk '{print "Avaliable",$9,$10,$11}'
[[ -z "$1" ]] && echo "Please Enter IP" ||
the api returns this atm:
available: Yes ip:
curl --stderr -i
is invalid. You might want curl --stderr - -i
Try substitution ` with command output in any shell:
var=`curl --stderr - -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "query=ip" -d "string=$1" -u 'username:password' https://device42.xxxxxxxxx/api/1.0/search/ --insecure | awk '{print "Avaliable",$9,$10,$11}'`
[[ -z "$var" ]] && echo "Please Enter IP" ||
Or with another command output substitution syntax
var=$(curl --stderr - -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d "query=ip" -d "string=$1" -u 'username:password' https://device42.xxxxxxxxx/api/1.0/search/ --insecure | awk '{print "Avaliable",$9,$10,$11}')
[[ -z "$var" ]] && echo "Please Enter IP" ||
Answered By - 273K Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (WPSolving Admin)