mkdir Kolokwium
cd Kolokwium
touch Kolokwium.tex
mkdir Baza_danych
cd Baza_danych
echo Bartosz Obstawski >> Dane.txt
echo "SELECT * FROM city WHERE countryCode='POL' AND Population > 260000 AND Population < 300000;" >> Dane.sql
cd ..
mkdir Obraz
cd Obraz
cp -r /home/share/informatyka_3/drop/drop-001.jpg /home/student/stud42/Kolokwium/Obraz | mv drop-001.jpg Obraz.jpg
convert -pointsize 50 -draw "text 25,60 'Wtorek 14-16'" Obraz.jpg Obraz.jpg
cd ..
mkdir Dokumenty
cd Dokumenty
mkdir Bartosz
mkdir Obstawski
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, twoside]{article}
\author{Bartosz Obstawski}
\item{Baza danych}
\caption{Obraz z kolokwium}
And i got problem with comment cp, what i did wrong ? I got many wrong asweres before but i didnt get exact question, could you please help me with this lorem imasfhmpgavinoupoTTNFPAOYC RAMFCOWREIYSVPAPNUTNVQA naiovtrn;as rcansyu vaenayp avtnacyp And i got problem with comment cp, what i did wrong ? I got many wrong asweres before but i didnt get exact question, could you please help me with this lorem imasfhmpgavinoupoTTNFPAOYC RAMFCOWREIYSVPAPNUTNVQA naiovtrn;as rcansyu vaenayp avtnacyp And i got problem with comment cp, what i did wrong ? I got many wrong asweres before but i didnt get exact question, could you please help me with this lorem imasfhmpgavinoupoTTNFPAOYC RAMFCOWREIYSVPAPNUTNVQA naiovtrn;as rcansyu vaenayp avtnacyp
I had the same problem today, you have to use the scp command instead.
Answered By - Ab Beb Answer Checked By - David Goodson (WPSolving Volunteer)