Monday, June 6, 2022

[SOLVED] Move into a subfolder all 1-level folders inside a parent directory if a foldersize is set


I have a directory (anime) that have many folders with different folder sizes.
I want to move all that folders inside a subfolder called "over40gb" if these folders have a size over 40gb

I test a script but this works only if I want to move one folder (called 'tomove') into another one folder (called 'over40gb')

if [ $(du -m -s tomove/ | cut -f1) -gt 40000 ] ; then 
  mv tomove/ $HOME/over40gb/

Is possible to extend this script for all folders (just 1-level folders) inside anime directory into over40gb subfolder ?

I start from this situation

  + tomove1 (30 gb)
  + tomove2 (45 gb)
  + tomove3 (40 gb)

And I want to move in this way

  + tomove1 (30 gb)
  + over40gb
       + tomove2 (45 gb)
       + tomove3 (40 gb)


if you only want level one folders then it's as simple as this

mkdir -p $HOME/over40gb/
for x in $(ls -1 --color=never -d ${z}*/); do
  y=$(du --max-depth=0 --block-size=1M $x | awk '{print $1}')
  if [ $y -ge 40000 ]; then
    mv ${x} $HOME/ofer40gb/

if you need anything else than level one folders i'm going to need to edit this answer.

the "over40gb" folder is in the same directory as the tomove directory's but you could just change that

Answered By - tomas
Answer Checked By - Willingham (WPSolving Volunteer)