Monday, June 6, 2022

[SOLVED] Install MongoDB on CentOs 7 without YUM. have rpm files but not tgz


I'm fairly new to Linux and am running CentOS 7. I can do the basics of navigating, creating dirctories, permissions, unzip applications and make SL to the apps but I have no idea what to do with an "rpm" file.

The system that I am trying to install MongoDB 4.2.x on does not have an outside connection. I have the individual rpm files for MongoDB but not the tgz which some article I read said I should use. There is no way for me to get the tgz over to the machine unless I wait several days.

With only the .rpm files, how do I install MongoDB?


The instructions in the above link say to create the .repo file but that makes a reference to the external URL which the system does not have access to.

name=MongoDB Repository


  • Again, with only the .rpm files, how do I install MongoDB?



You do need some kind of access to the outside world; you need to get the rpm files on your machine...

you can just manually download the rpm files you need from, copy them to your machine, and then run

yum install /path/to/downloaded/mongodb*rpm

Answered By - Chris Maes
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (WPSolving Admin)