I've created a Discord Bot with which you can interact (running on a Raspberry Pi with a default Raspberry Pi OS). I also added a command to execute a shell command. My code:
class="lang-cs prettyprint-override"> ProcessStartInfo inf = new()
CreateNoWindow = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardInput = true,
FileName = "/bin/bash",
Arguments = command,
if (Process.Start(inf) is Process cmd)
string ret = "Output: " + await cmd.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync();
ret += "\nError Output: " + await cmd.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync();
await Program.Log(ret);
return ret;
When I set command to "echo Hello, World!" I just get the error
/usr/bin/echo: /usr/bin/echo: cannot execute binary file
from the StandardOutput. What am I doing wrong?
You have to pass -c parameter to bash if you want execute something through it
ProcessStartInfo inf = new()
CreateNoWindow = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardInput = true,
FileName = "/bin/bash",
Arguments = $"-c \"{command}\""
if (Process.Start(inf) is Process cmd)
string ret = "Output: " + await cmd.StandardOutput.ReadToEndAsync();
ret += "\nError Output: " + await cmd.StandardError.ReadToEndAsync();
await Program.Log(ret);
return ret;
Answered By - Liphi Answer Checked By - Marilyn (WPSolving Volunteer)