I have a very basic shell script here:
for file in Alt_moabit Book_arrival Door_flowers Leaving_laptop
for qp in 10 12 15 19 22 25 32 39 45 60
for i in 0 1
echo "$file\t$qp\t$i" >> psnr.txt
./command > $file-$qp-psnr.txt 2>> psnr.txt
calculates some PSNR values and writes a detailed summary to a file for each combination of file
, qp
and i
. That's fine.
The 2>>
outputs one line of information that I really need. But when executed, I get:
Alt_moabit 10 0
total 47,8221 50,6329 50,1031
Alt_moabit 10 1
total 47,8408 49,9973 49,8197
Alt_moabit 12 0
total 47,0665 50,1457 49,6755
Alt_moabit 12 1
total 47,1193 49,4284 49,3476
What I want, however, is this:
Alt_moabit 10 0 total 47,8221 50,6329 50,1031
Alt_moabit 10 1 total 47,8408 49,9973 49,8197
Alt_moabit 12 0 total 47,0665 50,1457 49,6755
Alt_moabit 12 1 total 47,1193 49,4284 49,3476
How can I achieve that?
(Please feel free to change the title if you think there's a more appropriate one)
The (GNU version of) echo utility has a -n option to omit the trailing newline. Use that on your first echo. You'll probably have to put some space after the first line or before the second for readability.
Answered By - drysdam Answer Checked By - David Goodson (WPSolving Volunteer)