The recent dotnet core RedHat vulnerablility says in the description:
Users must rebuild their applications to pick up the fixes.
What would require you to rebuild your application to pickup a framework fix?
.NET Core 2.1 in RHEL ships without ASP.NET Core.
When you build your ASP.NET Core application, it picks up these things from NuGet.
Hence, you need to re-build it, to get the patched version.
Note that .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1 ships with ASP.NET Core and that is why you may have seen Red Hat Security Advisory for these versions, and not for 2.1 - because 2.1 that we ship, does not actually contain any security fixes.
You should not need to rebuild it with .NET Core 3.0 or 3.1. since they include ASP.NET Core. (If such note was present, it was by mistake due to last minute decision to ship 2.1 in separate advisory and this note was not removed.)
Answered By - Rhea Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (WPSolving Admin)