I was curious about how something worked in yum
so I was looking at some of its score code and I found this line in the erasePkgs
function in
if False: pass
elif basecmd in ('erase-n', 'remove-n'):
rms = self.remove(name=arg)
The if False: pass
does nothing correct? It never gets into that branch it always just skips to the next one doesn't it?
Here is the link to the source code: It's on line 1268.
This appears to be the developer's idiom for a generalized switch statement.
if False: pass
elif basecmd in ('erase-n', 'remove-n'):
rms = self.remove(name=arg)
elif basecmd in ('erase-na', 'remove-na'):
elif basecmd in ('erase-nevra', 'remove-nevra'):
which is ever so slightly more readable than
if basecmd in ('erase-n', 'remove-n'):
rms = self.remove(name=arg)
elif basecmd in ('erase-na', 'remove-na'):
elif basecmd in ('erase-nevra', 'remove-nevra'):
Answered By - mjhm Answer Checked By - David Marino (WPSolving Volunteer)