Use chmod to set the permissions of that file to:
• readable, writable, and executable by yourself
• readable and executable by the group that you belong to.
• readable by other users
1) What are the chmod commands if the textual permission representation method is used?
2) What is the chmod command if the numeric permission representation method is used?
My work:
1) chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r students.txt // textual permission representation
2) chmod 754 students.txt // numeric permission representation
Comments: Would this answer 1) and 2) correctly? I know that my answer for 2) is correct because I am using a numeric value that I found using binary numbers so thus it is a numeric representation.
However, not sure if my answer for 1) is called "textual representation" but it sets the permission using the 'rwx' characters which does seem to be somewhat textual.
I'm just seeking a clarification on if my logic makes sense and if my answers are correct.
geforce -
You are absolutely correct with your work. Method 1 is the textual representation of permissions for using chmod. Methof 2 is the numberical representation of permissions for using chmod.
Answered By - TheGrandPackard Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (WPSolving Admin)