I know that is not recommended but i have a windows program that need root privileges to be run. (uses wpacp to read ethernet interfaces).
If I run wine myprogram.exe my program tell me that I don't have permission to read interfaces)
But If i run wine as sudo, wine tell me that .wine is not owned by you.
Any solution?
To be able to run wine with sudo you got to have a wineprefix owned by the root user.
sudo chown root ~/.wine
would solve this particular problem but i'd recommend against doing that, since then you won't be able to use wine as a normal user.
A better alternative could be to make a second wineprefix owned by the root user with:
sudo WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_root winecfg
(use default location, or provide an alternative)
Then you can just run the program with
sudo WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_root wine /path/to/your/program.exe
Although this can be done, running wine with sudo is pretty dangerous so you may want to avoid it at all if possible.
Answered By - Yiannis Kontochristopoulos Answer Checked By - Katrina (WPSolving Volunteer)