Let's say 'pm.max_children = 8' on the file '/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf' The result of the following is supposed to be 40 but $1 is just ignored.
perl -i.bak -e "s/pm.max_children\s*=\s*\K([0-9]+)/($1 * $aaa)/ge" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
But the strange thing is the following is working, in case $aaa is not a variable.
perl -i.bak -e "s/pm.max_children\s*=\s*\K([0-9]+)/($1 * 3)/ge" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
The meaning of $1
is different in the shell and in Perl.
In the shell, it means the first positional argument. As double quotes expand variables, $1
in double quotes also means the first positional argument.
In Perl, $1
means the first capture group matched by a regular expression.
But, if you use $1
in double quotes on the shell level, Perl never sees it: the shell expands $1
as the first positional argument and sends the expanded string to Perl.
You can use the %ENV
hash in Perl to refer to environment variables:
aaa=5 perl -i.bak -pe 's/pm.max_children\s*=\s*\K([0-9]+)/($1 * $ENV{aaa})/ge' /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
Answered By - choroba Answer Checked By - Mildred Charles (WPSolving Admin)