I have been using sed -i "" "s/pattern/replacement/g" file.txt
to replace pattern all over my file, but my goal is to do it for all the occurrences after the third line. I managed to do it using,
sed -n -e '3,$p' file.txt > aux
cat aux | sed "s/pattern/replacement/gI" > file.txt ,
but I'm wondering if there is a faster way to do it, preferably without using an auxiliary file (aux
You can use the "address range" before the substitution:
sed -e '3,$ s/pattern/replacement/gI'
If you want to remove the first two lines, you can use tail
sed ... | tail -n +3
or you can tell sed
to remove them:
sed -e '1,2d' -e '3,$ s/pattern/replacement/gI'
Answered By - choroba Answer Checked By - David Marino (WPSolving Volunteer)